November To Craft List

Looking back at October’s list I got most of the things done. There are a couple of things I need to finish off but I’m happy with how much I crafting I did do. With the countdown to Christmas on this month I want to focus on


  • Finish toy softie (just need to do some hand sewing elements)
  • Finish girls skirt (about half done)
  • Make 3 pillow beds
  • Make 2 skirts for a competition I wish to enter them in
  • Sort out items to take to Spoolette swap day.
  • Make additional scarves for “its in the bag” (I have some made but these are different)

The first couple of items are easy. The scarves I have to do ASAP so I can take them into work. All they involve is a rolled hem on the overlocker so hopefully I can work on them each day after work. The pillow beds I need to look into more, I think I know what I am doing but I should read a pattern to double check. The skirt competition is on pattern review, it to make the same pattern 2 different ways. I don’t see myself standing any chance of winning but I’m entering for more a personal challenge. For the swap day a bunch of people from Sydney Spoolettes are getting together to swap all things sewing related. I’ve culled a few things from my stash already for it but I’m sure there is still more I can pass on.

Hopefully it will be a very crafty month.